Marsha Babe Team

"Marsha and her team's outstanding professionalism, responsiveness, and market savvy ensured we landed our dream home in an insanely competitive environment."

Bill & Michelle, Buyers

"My house was on the market for 60 days. I contacted Marsha to see if she could help.  She recommended a minor adjustment to my house, then she sold it in ONE DAY!"

Charlie, Seller

"If you're looking for someone with local knowledge and contacts who will make your priorities their priorities, call Marsha."

Chris, Relocating Buyer


Marsha Babe Realtor - 2017 portrait nobkgrnddeb - RGB WEB
Marsha Babe

Team Leader, Realtor®

Bethany Mixson - No Background Small
Bethany Mixson


Margo Higdon - no background RGB
Margo Higdon

Operations Manager

Mortgage rates